Free consultation (800) 362-7427

Los Angeles Workers’ Compensation Attorney

A work-related accident can be painful, confusing, and emotional. If you or a loved one has been injured on the job, it is important to do what is necessary to protect yourself and speak with a qualified Los Angeles workers’ compensation attorney. Workers’ compensation benefits (sometimes referred to as “workman’s comp”) exist to help those injured in work-related injuries heal, recover, and elevate their quality of life. That said, the process can be complex and lengthy. One mistake can result in claim denial, treatment denial, or even deeper confusion.

If you or a loved one has been injured on the job, you need a skilled workers’ compensation lawyer by your side – you need one of the attorneys at Rose, Klein & Marias LLP. With 10 office locations, we help injured workers throughout Southern California. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Why Choose Rose, Klein & Marias LLP to Handle Your Workers’ Comp Claim?

  • We commit not only to obtaining maximum compensation for clients but also to furthering the laws that apply to workers’ compensation cases in California.
  • We focus exclusively on workers’ compensation and personal injury law, giving our firm in-depth knowledge and specific experience in these practice areas.
  • We have been helping injured people in Southern California since our establishment in 1936.
  • We have dozens of lawyers with experience across multiple areas of law, stationed at 10 convenient locations.
  • We accept Southern California workers’ compensation cases on a contingency fee basis, making it easy for you to afford exemplary legal representation.

How Can a Los Angeles Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Help?

Unfortunately, during a workers’ compensation case, your employer’s insurance company may not treat you fairly. You may encounter roadblocks such as a denied claim, requests for excessive amounts of proof, or delayed payments. Your employer may also make it more difficult than necessary for you to obtain fair compensation by failing to submit your claim on time or refusing to corroborate your story. In these situations, a dedicated Los Angeles workers’ compensation attorney from Rose, Klein & Marias LLP can help you protect your rights and demand justice.

When you hire a lawyer, you have someone on your side. Your attorney will not allow anyone to take advantage of you during the fight for fair and full workers’ compensation benefits. An attorney can negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, aggressively arguing for a more reasonable compensatory award based on your injuries and related losses. A lawyer may be able to secure you greater compensation than you could have received alone. If settlement negotiations fail to achieve the desired result, our Los Angeles workers’ compensation lawyers can take your case to court in Southern California to fight for a better outcome.

Since Rose, Klein & Marias LLP operates on a contingency fee basis, you do not need to worry about how much hiring an attorney might cost. We understand the financial strife most workers are already under after suffering serious injuries and having to stay home from work. That is why we offer our services at zero dollars down. We will only charge attorney’s fees after we secure you a compensatory award, and only if we win your case. If we fail to obtain you a settlement or jury verdict, we will charge $0 for our services. Using a Los Angeles personal injury attorney experienced in workers’ comp claims to represent your case could be the best way to protect your rights in Southern California.

Types of Workers’ Comp Cases We Handle

For more than 80 years, we have helped clients recover the compensation they deserve for injuries including:

Compensation for Workplace Accidents in California

This includes all compensation for:

  • Medical treatment including diagnostic testing, physical therapy, medications, surgery, counseling, and rehabilitation
  • Temporary disability benefits while off work by a doctor
  • Permanent disability benefits for any residual symptoms and/or limitations
  • Retraining benefits
  • State of California’s Return-to-Work Fund Supplement payment
  • Lost support for financially dependent heirs

Because our firm is dedicated to workers’ rights, our Los Angeles workers’ compensation attorneys are also able to do everything possible to obtain compensation if a possible multi-employer/third-party claim issue arises.

In addition, in every workers’ compensation case, we work solely on contingency. We will never collect any attorney’s fees until we obtain the compensation to which you are entitled.

What Is a Third-Party Claim?

Your workers’ compensation case may involve a third-party claim if someone other than your employer negligently caused or contributed to your injuries. A third party is an entity not directly involved in the accident that was a factor in causing your injuries to occur. An injured worker in Southern California could have a third-party claim against a product or equipment manufacturer, a subcontractor, a property owner, or the City of Los Angeles, for example, if any of these entities caused the accident.

Naming a third party as a defendant in a lawsuit may take assistance from a skilled workers’ compensation attorney in Los Angeles. The lawyers at Rose, Klein & Marias LLP can hire outside investigators and experts to get to the bottom of your case. Whether your serious injury came from a fall, exposure to toxic substances, electric shock, falling objects, structural collapses, a transportation accident, repetitive motion or a violent crime, we can uncover the truth behind who or what caused the incident to occur. Then, we can go up against this party for compensation on your behalf.

California’s workers’ compensation laws bar recipients from filing lawsuits against their employers in exchange for no-fault benefits. Once you accept a workers’ compensation settlement, you cannot bring a lawsuit against your boss for causing your injuries. You can, however, still file a third-party lawsuit against someone other than your employer. Our attorneys can help you bring a third-party action against one or more parties that contributed to your injuries. You may be eligible for financial recovery through both workers’ compensation and a third-party suit depending on the circumstances.

Workers’ Compensation Frequently Asked Questions

It is common to feel confused or in the dark about the workers’ compensation claim process. Although employers in California must post information about their workers’ compensation insurance provisions publicly in the workplace, most employers stop there and do not teach employees about their rights after suffering injuries on the job in more detail. This may be your first workplace injury and workers’ compensation claim in Southern California. Do not worry. The Los Angeles workers’ comp lawyers at Rose, Klein & Marias LLP are here to answer your questions and walk you through the claims process. We give honest, reliable and straightforward answers.

Do I have a time limit for filing?

Workers’ compensation claims operate on tight deadlines you must obey, or else risk losing any right to benefits. You must report your injuries to your employer within 30 days to be eligible for benefits. Your employer must then report the situation to his or her insurance company within 10 days. You have one year from the date of the workplace accident to file a workers’ compensation claim in California.

Will workers’ compensation reimburse my full salary?

No, workers’ comp benefits will not cover your full salary. It will reimburse your lost wages up to two-thirds of your gross weekly earnings. California also places a cap on how much a recipient can receive weekly. This cap changes year by year. In 2018, it was $1,215.27 per week. The minimum weekly payment was $182.29.

How long can I stay on workers’ compensation?

The answer depends on the severity of your injuries. In general, the maximum is 104 weeks of workers’ compensation benefits within a five-year period, counted from the date of your injury. Serious injuries, however, may qualify employees for 240 weeks of financial benefits. If you suffered permanently disabling injuries, the system may award you benefits for life.

How much is the average workers’ compensation settlement?

The total amount a worker can receive for his or her injuries depends on factors such as injury severity and time away from work. This amount can vary greatly, with settlements ranging from $2,000 to $100,000 and more. Catastrophic injuries and wrongful death cases may receive greater awards for past and future losses than minor worker injuries. Contact us for a free evaluation of your case, where a knowledgeable Los Angeles workers’ compensation attorney can let you know what we think it may be worth.

Can my boss fire me for filing a workers’ compensation claim?

No, an employer in California may not terminate a worker’s employment simply for requesting workers’ compensation benefits. This is the illegal act of retaliation. An employer can, however, terminate employment if your injuries make you unable to perform your essential job functions. You may recover compensation for lost wages if your injury forces you to quit your job. You could also receive payments for occupational therapy and new job training.

These are just five of the many common questions our clients come to Rose Klein & Marias LLP to answer in Southern California. We realize suffering a life-changing injury will lead to many more questions and concerns from the average worker. If you have other questions about your recent work-related accident and/or a workers’ compensation claim, call (800) 362-7427 to request a free consultation with one of our lead workers’ comp attorneys in Los Angeles. We can listen to your story and respond to your questions with personalized answers at no cost or risk to you.

An ideal resolution in these cases requires decisive action; workers’ compensation issues have particular deadlines that need to be followed. If you have been injured, we urge you to get in touch as soon as possible.

Speak With a Workers’ Comp Lawyer in Los Angeles Today

To schedule a free lawyer consultation with a top Los Angeles and Ventura workers’ compensation attorney, call (800) 362-7427 or contact us online. Our FREE consultations mean you have nothing to lose.

Pursuant to Labor Code Section 5432(a), making a false or fraudulent workers’ compensation claim is a felony subject to up to 5 years in prison or a fine of up to $50,000 or double the value of the fraud, whichever is greater, or by both imprisonment and fine.