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What Causes a Jackknife Accident?

Accidents involving large commercial trucks are often catastrophic. When a big rig crashes into a smaller car, the latter will always suffer the most damage. A jackknife accident is a preventable type of collision. If you get involved in a jackknife accident in California, you may need help from a Los Angeles semi-truck accident attorney to secure fair financial compensation from the at-fault party.

causes of semi truck jackknife accidents

What Is a Truck Jackknife Accident?

A jackknife accident earned its name because of the shape that a large truck takes, which is similar to that of a jackknife or pocketknife. In this type of crash, a tractor-trailer folds in on itself at a sharp angle, with the trailer swinging out and away from the cab to form a “V” or “L” shape. It is a dangerous situation that can lead to a loss of vehicle control for the truck driver, potentially resulting in a multi-vehicle collision or pileup.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Jackknife Accidents?

Jackknife accidents typically occur when a semi-truck’s tires lose traction or lock up, causing the 18-wheeler’s trailer to skid and swing outward. If the truck driver cannot regain control of the truck, this situation can escalate until the trailer is at a sharp angle and impossible to control. Top causes of jackknife accidents are:

  • Speeding
  • Taking corners too fast
  • Using the wrong braking techniques
  • Distracted driving
  • Truck driver fatigue
  • Inexperienced or incompetent driver
  • Improperly balanced loads
  • Empty trailers
  • Part failures
  • Tire blowouts
  • Bad weather

If a large truck jackknife accident occurs, the truck can continue its forward momentum without being able to stop. The back trailer can skid or slide uncontrollably, striking other vehicles on the road. In some cases, a jackknife can cause a truck rollover accident.

Can a Jackknife Truck Accident Be Avoided?

Jackknife accidents are an avoidable type of disaster. Trucking companies and truck drivers have the power to prevent jackknife incidents with due care and caution. For example, a truck driver can prevent jackknifing by driving at a reasonable speed, avoiding hard turns, maintaining a safe following distance from others and using the truck’s air brake system correctly. A trucking company can reduce the risk of a jackknife accident by hiring qualified drivers and training them correctly, properly inspecting and maintaining its fleet of trucks to prevent part failures, and encouraging drivers to obey federal safety laws, such as hours-of-service restrictions that are in place to prevent drowsy driving. If a harmful jackknife accident takes place in California, the trucking company could be held liable, or financially responsible. A company is liable for its own mistakes, as well as vicariously liable for the errors of its truck drivers. An investigation of the truck jackknife accident will be necessary to determine the cause of the crash and assign fault.

When Should I Contact a Jackknife Truck Accident Attorney in California?

Truck accidents of any kind can inflict a severe level of injury and damage to those involved. If you or a loved one was injured in a jackknife accident, you may need an experienced Los Angeles injury attorney to go up against a powerful trucking company or insurance provider on your behalf. A lawyer can identify the cause of the jackknife accident and gather evidence against those responsible. Your lawyer will negotiate with an insurer to fight for maximum financial compensation while you spend time healing from your injuries. Contact a truck accident attorney at Rose, Klein & Marias, LLP today for a free jackknife accident case consultation.