40 Years of Representing Victims Of Mesothelioma And Asbestos Exposure
The Dangers of Asbestos Exposure
Asbestos is a naturally-occuring, fibrous mineral. Asbestos was used for decades in thousands of products including automotive parts, textiles, insulation, in places such as factories, naval ships and shipyards, and home and commercial construction. It was known as a hazard to health as early as the 1930s but was widely continued to be used for the decades that followed.
When asbestos fibers are disturbed, they become airbone, resulting in inhalation or ingestion. The chance of getting an asbestos-related disease depends on two main risk factors – the concentration of asbestos that was inhaled and the duration of the exposure. The more asbestos that is inhaled, the greater the risk of contracting an asbestos-related disease, such as mesothelioma or lung cancer. Mesothelioma is a cancer of the lining of the lungs caused by exposure to asbestos.
Over 40 Years of Experience Fighting for Victims of Asbestos Exposure
At Rose, Klein & Marias LLP, we have been at the forefront of the fight against asbestos manufacturers for over 40 years. In 1980, Rose, Klein & Marias’ own Robert Steinberg tried the first successful case against asbestos manufacturers in the State of California. Mr. Steinberg’s client, Richard Hogard, received a jury verdict of $1,200,000, which paved the way for others exposed to asbestos to bring lawsuits in California against asbestos manufacturers and distributors.
Our team has recovered more than $750 million for our asbestos clients. Contact our law firm today to schedule a convenient appointment with a skilled mesothelioma attorney.
We can help you obtain compensation for on-the-job injuries from the state’s workers’ compensation system. Additionally, we will file a third-party mesothelioma lawsuit against a party other than your employer for exposures contributing to your diagnosis of an asbestos-related disease. The fact is that manufacturers of asbestos, products and building materials, distributors of products, and owners of work sites are potentially responsible parties. You can trust Rose, Klein & Marias LLP, to include all potentially responsible parties in your claim and pursue any and all possible compensation.
Why Our Experience Matters to You
As a result of the tens of thousands of clients that we have represented in asbestos litigation since the 1970s, we have developed an extensive library of information concerning work sites, product identification, testimony of co-workers, corporate executive depositions, and expert opinions. This bank of knowledge ensures that we are able to pursue every possible recovery in your case against all parties who may have been responsible.
We are committed to obtaining the maximum compensation you are entitled to receive. As our client, we will fully investigate your situation to determine all responsible parties for your illness. This includes gaining a comprehensive understanding of your work history so we can pinpoint the specific manufacturer and/or distributor accountable for your disease. Our thorough approach takes time, but you can be sure that we will provide you with the high quality service and attention you deserve.
Contact Us to Discuss Your Asbestos Exposure Claim
Do not wait to contact our Los Angeles-area mesothelioma lawyers, your rights may be affected in you fail to file a timely claim. We handle mesothelioma cases on a contingency fee basis, which means we will not ask you for money for fees or costs while we prosecute your case. Fees and costs will only be decducted from settlements and verdicts that we obtain on your behalf. Our familiarity with these cases and the personal attention offered at our firm will put you at ease immediately. Please contact our personal injury and workers’ compensation office today for a consultation at one of our 10 convenient locations in Southern California.