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Los Angeles School Injury Lawyer

If sending your child to school results in him or her suffering a serious injury due to the negligence of a teacher or a hazardous property condition, your family may be entitled to financial compensation from the school or school district. Speak to a Los Angeles personal injury attorney during a free consultation for more information about your case and legal rights.

Los Angeles school injury lawyer

What Are Common Examples of School Injuries?

If a school in Los Angeles does not take proper care to ensure the safety of its students, many different accident risks can occur. Severe student injuries can happen in various settings and circumstances, both in and out of the classroom. They may arise from careless teachers and supervisors, defective equipment, or dangerous premises conditions.

Common examples of school accidents and injuries include:

  • Slip and fall accident injuries
  • Playground accidents
  • Broken bones and greenstick fractures
  • Cuts, abrasions and severe lacerations
  • Soft-tissue injuries
  • Muscle sprains and strains
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Concussions
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Burn injuries
  • Internal injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Impact injuries
  • School bus accident injuries
  • Abuse-related injuries

School accidents can occur on school grounds, such as on the playground or during PE. They can also happen during off-campus school-related activities, such as field trips and sporting events. Finally, school injuries can stem from transportation accidents, such as bus accidents to and from school.

When Can a Personal Injury Claim Be Filed for a School Injury in Los Angeles?

Not every school injury will give the victim or victim’s family the right to file a personal injury claim. To file a claim in LA following a school injury, there must be proof of negligence, or someone’s failure to act with proper care.

Proving negligence requires evidence that the defendant or accused party owed the victim a duty of care, meaning an obligation to keep the victim safe from injury. All schools in California have a legal obligation to ensure the reasonable safety of their students.

Then, there must be proof of a breach or violation of this duty of care, such as negligent property maintenance or poor teacher training protocols. This breach of duty must be the proximate or main cause of the child’s injuries to hold the school or another party accountable.

Who Is Liable for Los Angeles School Injuries?

In Los Angeles, schools can be held liable, or legally and financially responsible, for student injuries and deaths that occur due to their fault or the fault of their employees, such as teachers or bus drivers.

Your family may have grounds for a claim against any of the following parties after a preventable school accident:

  • The Los Angeles Unified School District
  • A private school
  • A charter school
  • A boarding school
  • A military school
  • School staff, teachers and administrators
  • A contractor or volunteer
  • A product manufacturer

Claims against the government for a public school accident abide by a different set of laws than cases against private parties. For this reason, it is important to hire an attorney for assistance.

Why You Need to Hire a Los Angeles School Injury Lawyer

If your child was injured at a school in Los Angeles and you suspect that someone else is responsible, do not wait to contact an attorney. You may need legal assistance to go up against a school and its powerful team of attorneys. Otherwise, an insurance company may take advantage of you to convince you to drop the case or settle for less than your child deserves.

At Rose, Klein & Marias, LLP, we help families hold schools and school districts accountable for negligence-related student injuries in Los Angeles. We recently achieved a $1.625 million verdict against the LA Unified School District for school negligence. Call us at (800) 362-7427 for a free case review.