Los Angeles Burn Injury Attorney
Severe burn injuries are extremely painful and can lead to extensive scarring. The scarring from burns is often permanent and may require multiple surgeries. The disfigurement from burns can also lead to emotional trauma that may require therapy.
If you or a loved one has suffered a burn injury in an accident, a qualified Los Angeles burn injury attorney from Rose, Klein & Marias LLP can help you seek financial compensation. While we know no dollar amount will make up for your severe losses, it could give you more financial stability while you pay for medical treatments and heal. Speak to a lawyer today about your case for free at (800) 362-7427.
Why Choose Rose, Klein & Marias LLP for Your Burn Injury Case?
- We have expanded to include dozens of lawyers across 10 law offices located conveniently in Southern California to help serve you.
- We focus on personal injury and workplace accident laws, giving us tailored knowledge and experience uniquely suited to handle our clients’ cases.
- We have obtained more than $5 billion in settlements and verdict awards for clients since our firm’s establishment.
- Our Los Angeles burn injury lawyers accept burn injury clients in Los Angeles on a contingency fee basis, meaning we only charge if and when we win.
How Can a Los Angeles Burn Injury Lawyer Help?
Not all burn injury victims are eligible for financial compensation through California’s civil justice system. The law places a burden of proof on the injured victim before he or she may obtain a settlement or verdict. This burden is generally to prove someone else’s negligence contributed to the injuries. If you believe someone else reasonably could have prevented the incident that caused your burn injuries, contact a Los Angeles catastrophic injury attorney experienced in burn injury claims about a potential lawsuit. One of our lawyers can walk you through the processes it will take to bring a claim for damages in Los Angeles before the deadline.
Causes of Burn Injuries
You may have a claim to financial restitution if someone else negligently or intentionally caused or contributed to your burn injuries. One of the first steps your Los Angeles burn injury attorney will take is analyzing the situation for proof of someone else’s liability. The cause of your burn injuries could point to the appropriate defendant, such as an employer or product manufacturer. With more than 80 years of experience in personal injury law, we recognize the most common causes of serious burn injuries in Los Angeles.
- Car accidents
- Chemical spills
- Dangerous household appliances
- Defective products
- Electrocutions
- Fires and explosions
- Lack of safety equipment
- Physical abuse
- Workplace accidents
Once we identify the cause of your burns and the correct defendant(s), we can help you file an injury claim within California’s strict statute of limitations. In general, burn survivors have two years from the date of their incidents to file civil claims in California. Missing this deadline could mean forfeiting your right to any compensation by default. Our lawyers can handle the paperwork and timely claims filing while you focus on healing from your burns.
Treatment for Burn Injuries
While severe, there are a number of common causes for why burn injuries occur. Burns and severe scarring can result from electrical burns or chemical burns. Thermal burns as a result of scalding are common. And there are many instances of burns occurring due to explosions.
The kind of treatment for burn injuries is largely dependent on what kind of burn an individual suffers. Burn injuries include:
- First degree: The least serious of burns, such burns may result in reddening and pain to the outer layer of the skin or epidermis. First-degree burns may be treated with creams or antibiotic ointments. As even these kinds of burns can result in severe pain, the need for pain medication may also be great.
- Second degree: Such burns impact both the epidermis and the lower layer of skin or dermis. Such burns result in redness, pain, swelling, and possibly blistering. The chances of contracting an infection greatly increase as a result of these burns. The treatments for second-degree burns are often similar to those for first-degree burns. However, these burns often take much longer to heal than do first-degree burns.
- Third degree: The most serious of burns, these burns affect the epidermis, dermis and the deeper tissues. The appearance of such burns includes blackened or charred skin. The treatment for such burns may last for a lifetime and are often extremely costly. Besides requiring multiple surgeries, it may be necessary for someone suffering such injuries to have to undergo skin grafts and a number of plastic and reconstructive surgeries. Third-degree burn victims may require an I.V. for the administration of antibiotics and fluids. In some instances, burns can result in the need for amputation of a limb. And such injuries can sometimes prove to be fatal.
The Los Angeles injury lawyers at Rose, Klein & Marias LLP have proven success in helping individuals recover compensation due to catastrophic injuries such as burns. With access to medical specialists and experts, we know how to demonstrate the full extent of your injuries. We will aggressively fight for the compensation you need and deserve.
What Compensation is Available for Burn Injury Victims in Los Angeles?
As Los Angeles burn injury lawyers, our goal is to help injured people move forward as comfortably as possible after serious accidents. We do this through many personalized legal services, but our main mission is to obtain financial compensation for our client’s losses. If you come to our firm for representation for a burn injury case, we will evaluate your losses and estimate what your claim could be worth. Then, we will do what we can to obtain an amount we think is fair for your damages, even if that means taking your case to court in LA.
- Legal fees and court costs
- Past and future medical expenses
- Physical pain and emotional suffering
- Permanent scarring and disfigurement
- Lost quality of life
- Lost wages
- Property repairs or replacement
- Punitive damages
We have collected tens of thousands of dollars for seriously injured victims throughout Southern California in the past. We may be able to help you and your family obtain a fair and full compensation award as well. The value of your case will depend on factors such as burn injury severity, the permanency of any physical disfigurements or disabilities, how your burns happened, and how they have impacted your life. The skill of your Los Angeles burn injury attorney can also make a difference in how much compensation you receive.
Speak With a Burn Injury Attorney in Los Angeles
For an initial consultation with a lawyer and to learn more about your legal options, contact Rose, Klein & Marias LLP at your earliest convenience. We have 10 office locations in Southern California. We will also charge no fee unless we recover compensation for you.
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They make you feel safe and taken care of. They take care of so much, they really reduce the anxiety.
– Liz