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Ventura Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

When a nursing home or one of its staff members intentionally or negligently injures an elderly resident, the victim can seek justice through a personal injury claim. The nursing home abuse lawyers at Rose, Klein & Marias LLP stand up for the rights of abused and neglected senior citizens in Ventura and have for many years. We can help you and your family hold a nursing facility accountable for elder abuse. Contact us today to request a free consultation.

Ventura nursing home abuse lawyer

Why Choose Our Ventura Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer?

  • We have the knowledge and experience to navigate California’s nursing home abuse laws. We understand the nuances of complicated elder abuse cases.
  • Our team of attorneys can go up against any nursing facility in Ventura County. We are not afraid of bringing nursing home abuse cases to trial, when necessary.
  • We operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning you will not pay us a dime for our services unless we win your Ventura nursing home abuse case.

How a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer in Ventura Can Help You

A nursing home abuse case involves complex state and federal laws, such as the Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act – a state law that protects seniors from abuse, neglect and exploitation. Navigating these laws and fully protecting your rights as a victim or the loved one of a victim is easier when you hire an elder abuse attorney in Ventura County to represent you.

A nursing home abuse attorney can provide legal guidance throughout the steps required to file a claim. An attorney can investigate and assess the situation, collect evidence of abuse or neglect, obtain expert testimony, fill out paperwork and meet filing requirements for your claim, negotiate a fair settlement with an insurance provider, and represent you in court, if necessary. Meanwhile, you can focus on healing from the crimes committed against you.

What Is Nursing Home Abuse?

Nursing home abuse describes the mistreatment, neglect or exploitation of a resident of a nursing home, long-term care facility or assisted-living facility. It can refer to someone intentionally injuring a nursing home resident or neglecting to provide for a resident’s essential needs. Nursing home abuse can be committed by caregivers, staff members, other residents or visitors.

Types of Nursing Home Abuse

Many different examples of elder abuse and neglect can take place in a nursing home setting in Ventura. The most common are:

  • Physical abuse: intentional physical force that can result in unexplained injuries, such as broken bones, burns and lacerations.
  • Mental or emotional abuse: inflicting psychological harm through actions such as threats, intimidation, humiliation, beratement, isolation, restraint or withholding care.
  • Sexual abuse: harassing or assaulting a nursing home resident sexually, meaning any type of nonconsensual sexual contact.
  • Financial abuse: exploiting an elderly person financially to steal the victim’s money or assets through theft, forgery or fraud.
  • Neglect: failing to meet the victim’s basic care needs, such as the need for food, water, personal hygiene and medical care.

The signs of nursing home abuse can include unusual or unexplained injuries, sudden weight loss, an abrupt decline in physical or mental health, dehydration or malnutrition, depression or anxiety, untreated medical conditions, bed sores, and infections or sepsis.

How to Report Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect in Ventura

If you suspect that abuse or neglect is taking place at a nursing home in Ventura, California, take the following steps to protect the victim and report this crime right away:

  1. Take the victim out of the nursing facility’s care. Make sure he or she gets prompt medical attention for any injuries or medical conditions.
  2. Report your suspicions to local law enforcement, Ventura County’s Adult Protective Services and the California Department of Public Health.
  3. Document the incident in as much detail as possible. Keep records of abuse, such as eyewitness statements, dates and times of abuse incidents, and photographs of injuries.

Once you file a complaint with local authorities, they should conduct an investigation and may arrest an individual perpetrator. From there, your next step is to consult with an attorney about your legal options.

Who Is Liable for Nursing Home Abuse in Ventura?

In most cases of nursing home abuse, the nursing facility can be held liable or financially responsible for the victim’s losses. The nursing home can be held directly liable for failing to ensure the safety of its residents, for example, as well as vicariously liable for the abusive or negligent actions of a staff member.

All nursing homes in California have a legal responsibility to uphold residents’ rights and obey related state and federal laws. If a nursing home does not fulfill these obligations, it may hire unfit or dangerous caregivers and staff members. It may also allow the facility to fall into a state of disrepair that increases the odds of accidents and injuries in the nursing facility. Nursing homes in Ventura can be held accountable for acts that result in elder abuse or neglect.

Financial Compensation Available for Ventura Nursing Home Abuse Victims

In California, victims of nursing home abuse and neglect (or their family members) have the right to file claims through the civil justice system in pursuit of financial compensation from the at-fault party or parties. There are both economic and noneconomic damages available for nursing home abuse cases.

Examples include:

  • Past and future necessary medical care
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress and mental anguish
  • Loss of enjoyment or quality of life
  • Wrongful death damages
  • Punitive damages, in some cases

The value of your nursing home abuse case can be influenced by factors such as the severity of the attack, the level of physical and emotional harm suffered by the victim, the duration of the abuse, and the financial impact the abuse had on the victim and the victim’s loved ones.

Contact Us Today to Speak to a Ventura Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

If you or someone you love is a victim of nursing home abuse, neglect or exploitation in Ventura County, California, do not hesitate to seek help from the law firm of Rose, Klein & Marias, LLP. Our experienced elder abuse lawyers can help you pursue justice and maximum financial compensation for your losses. Request a free consultation today by calling us at (800) 362-7427 or using our online contact form anytime.