Los Angeles Mesothelioma Attorney
If you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with mesothelioma because of asbestos exposure, a qualified Los Angeles mesothelioma attorney from Rose, Klein & Marias LLP is here to help.
At the Southern California law firm of Rose, Klein & Marias LLP, you will find lawyers who have built careers on providing cutting-edge representation in mesothelioma cases. Members of our team were among the first to bring certain types of asbestos-related lawsuits in the 1970s. Since then, we have maintained our position as leaders in this type of litigation.
We want to show you the difference a leader can make in your case.
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer. Although it may be referred to as asbestos lung cancer, it can also involve the lining of the stomach. This is a serious disease that tends not to reveal itself until more than a decade after asbestos exposure.
The fact that mesothelioma takes so long to present itself can bring certain challenges. Since the Los Angeles mesothelioma lawyers at our law firm have handled many of these cases before, we know how to deal with any challenge. We know how to dig deep to find methods to get you the compensation you need to pay for proper medical treatment and move forward with your life. If a third party is responsible for your exposure, we can counsel and represent you in this action as well.
Our team features both Los Angeles personal injury lawyers and workers’ compensation lawyers. That means that we have knowledge of two different paths to full and fair compensation. We will carefully analyze your situation to determine which path is most relevant to your mesothelioma case. Sometimes, it is both.
Established in 1936, our law firm has a history of excellence. We have a reputation that has led to us sharing our knowledge with the lawyers of today and the lawyers of tomorrow. In addition to educating our peers at a variety of seminars, we have a 45-year history of teaching at USC ‘s and UCLA’s law schools. That is the level of trusted knowledge you will have on your side when you choose a skilled Los Angeles mesothelioma attorney with our firm to handle your case.
Free Consultation With a Los Angeles Mesothelioma Lawyer
Learn more at our Mesothelioma Information Center.
We do not charge a fee unless we obtain compensation in your case. All matters are handled on a contingency basis.
To speak with our mesothelioma attorneys in Los Angeles, contact us today for a free consultation. We serve all of Southern California.